Friday, July 10, 2009

Opinion: Behind the Violence in Xinjiang

Unless Beijing addresses the root causes of ethnic tensions and ends its systemic human rights violations, the chances of more violence will remain high.

China’s President Vows to ‘Deal a Blow’ to Protesters

President Hu Jintao called for stability and promised harsh punishment for those found to have played a role in the disturbances that have killed scores of people and injured more than a thousand.

Migrants Describe Grief From China’s Strife

The journey of a family trying to forge a new life in the Xinjiang region ended with the death of a son in ethnic riots.

China Warns of Executions as Riots Ebb

President Hu Jintao cut short his trip to the G-8 summit as the party boss in China’s Xinjiang region issued a threat after three days of ethnic violence.

Exile in the U.S. Becomes Face of Uighurs

Rebiya Kadeer, vilified by Beijing as the unseen hand behind Uighur protests in China, is now a symbol of her people’s resistance against the Chinese.

Opinion: Beijing Always Wins

Why China’s leaders aren’t frightened by Uighur unrest.

NY Times Editorial: Now Xinjiang

Beijing’s rulers will never achieve the stability they covet until they work toward political solutions that give minority groups more autonomy over their lives.

Clashes in China Shed Light on Ethnic Divide

Uighur protesters have given voice to broader concerns at the heart of the deadliest ethnic violence to strike China in decades.